About link-text decoration

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About link-text decoration

Currently, all sub-forum names / links are underlined.  Which forum setting can I use so that they are not underlined?  
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Re: About link-text decoration

Sorry to bump this thread. but a reply would be helpful.
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Re: About link-text decoration

In reply to this post by ajac63
There is no forum setting or code within Nabble for this.

Rather it is the part of the default stylesheet that (nearly) all browsers use that underlines links.

If you wish to have your forum adopt a non-standard appearance you will need to access your forum's home page and add the appropriate CSS code in the edit box at:

Options > Application > Change appearance  > CSS

Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
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Re: About link-text decoration

Ok, thanks very much.   Then I'll leave them underlined.