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Ability to Edit a User Profile

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Ability to Edit a User Profile

20 posts
I am the owner and administrator of the Society of Professional Locksmiths Forum.
When I receive notice that someone wants to join the forum, I have the ability to Edit their profile before adding them to our Members group.

After they are installed, there may be times when I need to modify their profile.  If I know their user number, I can paste it to the forum address and then have access to their profile where I can modify their name or whatever is permitted to change at their original acception.  How do I find their user number or is there a way to maybe right-click on their name and then have access to editing their name and email info?

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Re: Ability to Edit a User Profile

3896 posts
This post was updated on May 21, 2022; 9:11am.
Clicking on any username will take you to their Profile page, where an Admin can make changes.

If newly registered users are not allowed to post I work with "Notify me when someone registers" turned on.

The email you get includes the user's profile address and username.

Keep a record of that somewhere.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.