A little bug...

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A little bug...

There is a problem with your Help notes for 'How can I customize the "Mixed" application type?' http://www.nabble.com/help/Answer.jtp?id=56
The 'Go Back' link at the bottom of the page doesn't work!

Edit: What's a "custom Cascading Stylesheet (CSS) code"???

Edit: Shame we can't change font colour too...
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Re: A little bug...

mywaytoo wrote
There is a problem with your Help notes for 'How can I customize the "Mixed" application type?' http://www.nabble.com/help/Answer.jtp?id=56
The 'Go Back' link at the bottom of the page doesn't work!
It works for me - providing I have done a left-click to access the help page.

If I wheel click to reach the help page, then then no JavaScript "Return to previous page" script will ever work as the Help page opens in a new tab and there isn't a previous page to that tab. (Not that it matters as you just close the new tab and the original page is still available to view.)
Edit: What's a "custom Cascading Stylesheet (CSS) code"???
I guess you're referring to to the box on the right.
Nabble Custom CSS Box
It's where you enter CSS code to control the appearance of your forum.

Under the previous "Change Appearance" screen there was a lot more explanation, and pre-programmed examples of code which you could pick from a list. It is a shame that that feature has gone, as I am sure it was useful for those who lacked CSS skills.
Edit: Shame we can't change font colour too...
You can. You use the Custom Cascading Stylesheet (CSS) box. Bear in mind that you are not likely to want to do a blanket font colour change, as that would affect Forum titles, descriptions, topic names, not to mention, the body text of posts. You can alter all these individually through the Custom CSS box.

BTW, where you see your name in my test forum is where I was playing to get an answer for you a while back. See:
As it stands the example is way over the top but it may inspire you to make more reasonable changes that would be acceptable.
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