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I currently have Nabble embedded on my website with a redirect to my site. My site is password protected, so the redirect to my site keeps the info in my forum secure.
I am looking at changing my website to Wordpress - using a wordpress plugin (PaidMembershipsPro) to secure all the data on my website. EDIT: I should have mentioned, this is Wordpress installed on my site - not hosted on wordpress.com So I have a couple of questions regarding Nabble: 1) Can I embed my Nabble Forum into a Wordpress page? I'm pretty sure the answer to that is yes. 2) Since I currently have my site embedded with a redirect, I do not see javascript code in the embed options. Is there a way to test out having Nabble embedded in my wordpress page without taking down or breaking my active forum? Such as: - a way to get the embed code that I would use in Wordpress? - a trial/different site embed code to test (perhaps creating a new nabble test forum and then uploading the customizations I've made to that new site)? Am I going about this the right way, or is there something else I should be looking at? Coleen |
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I have no experience of WordPress but the answer must be yes. You can always go to: Options > Embedding options in any Nabble forum/sub-forum and grab the code to embed that forum/sub-forum in any page. You can embed the same forum/sub-forum in as many sites as you wish, so there will be no problem in testing your forum in WordPress without disrupting your existing site/forum. (I know this post is slightly delayed from my usual. My excuse is that I got married on Saturday!)
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Thanks & congrats on the wedding! ColeenOn Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 3:10 AM, GregChapman [via Nabble Support] <[hidden email]> wrote: I have no experience of WordPress but the answer must be yes. ... [show rest of quote] |
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i have a problem i've just created a nabble forum http://discussions-parti-pirate.88052.x6.nabble.com/ and tried to embed it on our wordpress site https://partipirateantillesguyane.wordpress.com/le-forum-la-mailing-list/ with the html code Discussions Parti Pirate <script src="http://discussions-parti-pirate.88052.x6.nabble.com/embed/f1"></script>but it does not work where am i wrong ? best regards |
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This post was updated on Jun 28, 2016; 9:54am.
As I said in a post above, I know nothing of WordPress, but I think this is something that you need to seek WordPress support on. While the code: <a id="nabblelink" href="http://discussions-parti-pirate.88052.x6.nabble.com/">Discussions Parti Pirate</a> <script src="http://discussions-parti-pirate.88052.x6.nabble.com/embed/f1"></script>that you say you inserted is the right code to insert, by the time it has been processed by WordPress, it appears in your page as: <p><code><a id="nabblelink" href="http://discussions-parti-pirate.88052.x6.nabble.com/">Discussions Parti Pirate</a><br /> <a href="http://discussions-parti-pirate.88052.x6.nabble.com/embed/f1">http://discussions-parti-pirate.88052.x6.nabble.com/embed/f1</a></p>As you see, this version of the code lacks a closing < /code> tag and the contents of the < script> tag has been mangled. That suggests you are not using the right technique within WordPress to insert the code.
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Hi grer,
and thanks a lot for your answer. I've tried to recopy the exact code but nothing change and wordpress seems to change it automaticaly... I'll try to continue to search why we can't include nabble forum on wordpress thanks |
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I have mine embedded in a Wordpress page. This is what I did:
1) Create the page in Wordpress that you want to embed it in. 2) Click on the TEXT tab on the right 3) Insert the code there. My code looks like this: <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ nabble_scroll_top = true; // ]]></script> <code><a id="nabblelink" href="http://forum.mysitename.org/">MySiteName</a> <script src="http://forum.mysitename.org/embed/f1"></script></code> I know the first part (with the scroll_top=true) was something I added later as the very top lines of my forum didn't show initially - so you probably don't need that unless you're having problems. Coleen |
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Hi Coleen,
And thanks i've tried with your "topline" (and without). so it looks like this : <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[nabble_scroll_top = true;// ]]></script> <code><a id="nabblelink" href="http://discussions-parti-pirate.88052.x6.nabble.com/">Discussions Parti Pirate</a> <script src="http://discussions-parti-pirate.88052.x6.nabble.com/embed/f1"></script></code> but still not working... https://partipirateantillesguyane.wordpress.com/les-outils-du-parti-pirate/le-forum-la-mailing-list/?preview_id=150&preview_nonce=ef3f81a32c&preview=true ... Le 28/06/2016 à 15:27, Coleen_Astalos
[via Nabble Support] a écrit :
I have mine embedded in a Wordpress page. This is what I did: ... [show rest of quote]
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In reply to this post by Coleen_Astalos
Hi Both,
Those lines are documented by Nabble at: http://x6.nabble.com/help/Answer.jtp?id=48 Although documented at the time I discovered Nabble, for a long time the "Scroll to the forum" feature was not implemented. Then suddenly, people found it had been switched on. A lot of people wanted things the way they were used to and added the code to make sure when loading a page with the embedded forum it did not scroll down to the forum but kept their own site header and menu in view.. I don't think that part of the code is relevant to the current problem.
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In reply to this post by Larose75
I wonder if it's because you are using a Wordpress.com hosted site (whereas mine is self hosted).
I was able to create a new page on my site and use this code and embedded your forum using this code in the text tab and it worked fine: <code><a id="nabblelink" href="http://discussions-parti-pirate.88052.x6.nabble.com/">Discussions Parti Pirate</a> <script src="http://discussions-parti-pirate.88052.x6.nabble.com/embed/f1"></script></code>See it here: http://sudsol.net/wp/test/ Looking at your page: https://partipirateantillesguyane.wordpress.com/les-outils-du-parti-pirate/le-forum-la-mailing-list/?preview_id=150&preview_nonce=ef3f81a32c&preview=true A couple of things to try: 1) Create a new page with nothing else on it so you can make sure it's working before adding any other stuff. 2) It looks like maybe you've put the code on the Visual page instead of the Text page? Coleen |
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I'm in the midst of migrating my Weebly site to Wordpress. And when that happens I'll obviously want to have the Nabble forum there as well.
So I tried embedding the forum using this code: Bullnose Enthusiasts <script src="http://forum.garysgaragemahal.com/embed/f1"></script>But what happens is that I get a link on the new Wordpress test site that when clicked takes you back to the current Weebly site and the forum there. I'm sure it is because the code has forum.garysgaragemahal in it, while the new site is bullnosebible instead of garysgaragemahal - on advice from a good friend. ![]()
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/
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I'm with Coleen!
I suspect that Wordpress.com may disable the ability to include JavaScript on their platform because of the potential for malicious code being implanted is too great. You get the link because of the first part of the code is a straight forward link that is, in effect a fallback in case the JavaScript doesn't work. Reading through the whole topic I see that wordpress.com may be mangling the inserted code. Have you checked to see if that happens to you?
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Greg - Thanks. But I'm not au fait enough with these things to truly answer your question. So, here's what Nabble says to embed: Bullnose Enthusiasts
<script src="http://forum.garysgaragemahal.com/embed/f1"></script> And here's a screen shot of what Google sees. But it looks to me like the above code is the same. Note that I never see the blue pickup pic on the Wordpress page. All I have is a link that says Bullnose Enthusiasts, and when I click it I'm taken to the garagemahal site and the forum there. However, I've also learned subsequent to asking this question that there are a dozen different ways to embed things. Perhaps I've discovered one of the ways not to do it? ![]()
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/
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Agreed! I can't see any issue with that. (Additional Comment: Don't forget to use: "More > Raw Text" if you want code quoted accurately in your post, so your code gets wrapped in < raw> tags!) When I talked of mangling code, I was referring to this post: http://support.nabble.com/Embedding-Nabble-In-Wordpress-tp7595830p7596892.html where Larose75 had found a way to get wordpress to add a < code> tag - but there was then no matching closing tag. That could easily have caused the problem he had. I can see no code on the screen dump that shows the code for the image, but as I said earlier, I would expect the link to appear and send you to your old site and forum, but would not always expect the second part, the Javacript fragment, to work as while a self-hosted copy of wordpress might allow Javascript to work, I wouldn't always expect a service to allow a script hosted elsewhere to work, so using wordpress.com may be the problem. However... ... that could be the case! :-)
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Thanks. I think.
![]() Seriously though, I'm not sure where to go. What to try next. Suggestions?
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/
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Oh, and you don't think there's any issue with the fact that the code includes garysgaragemahal rather than the new bullnosebible?
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/
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In which bit?
Obviously, the link takes you to the existing forum, which I assume still has a "Redirect to" in place which forces it to appear in your old site. It's late here and I may not be thinking straight about the JavaScript part - but my thought remains it's simply that wordpress.com prevents that from working. Though I confess I'm not sure why Wix or Weebly would happily accept the JavaScript when WordPress won't - and that's why it is possible that you just haven't found the right option within WordPress yet. Time for bed!
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Further thought! Don't I recall that folk have a problem embedding the forum in Blogger sites (or was that only related to https)?
So it may not just be WordPress.com where there is a problem.
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In reply to this post by GregChapman
Yes, it is late so I hope you won't be reading this until tomorrow morn. (Actually, it's just gone tomorrow there.)
Anyway, my wordpress instance isn't on wordpress.com but on dreamhost.com. I'm not sure what that means, but perhaps I should contact dreamhost? Or talk to other host services since I'm only borrowing a friend's site and can easily move elsewhere. As for others having troubles embedding in/on wordpress, that might be but I haven't paid attention. Perhaps they got it solved?
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/
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SUCCESS!!!!!I'd embedded an HTTP forum on an HTTPS site. ![]() <code><a id="nabblelink" href="http://forum.mysite.com/">Bullnose Enthusiasts</a> <script src="http://forum.mysite.com/embed/f1"></script></code> Thanks, Greg! Go back to the Merseybeat.
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/
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