when is a reply-eMail succesfully fed into the original thread?

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when is a reply-eMail succesfully fed into the original thread? – Hello, I have set up a couple of forums, now, and I am pretty satisfied with nabble's functionality. Just some things concerning the eMail-r...
Re: when is a reply-eMail succesfully fed into the original forum? – In order to avoid create a new topic, the subjects must be the same. In the other hand, if you use prefixes on your email client you can "add...
Hi Pedro, thanks for your reply. Here is what I tried: - varying the subject text and the prefix while keeping an eye on the reply eM...
Now I got the effect again: an eMail reply is NOT appended to the respective forum thread but becomes a new thread within the right sub forum...
Hi, is there nobody to test this out and reply with some statement? Were my explanations too fuzzy? Please tell me, then. The problem is still ...
I've been meaning to look art this issue as I am aware that not everything seems as described by the Nabble Team. It may take me a while. My main ...
Please, give the url of this subforum, I'll make some tests there.
the test forum is our German translation test forum. But, I think you could reproduce the behaviour in any subforum: http://nabble-de-test.100369...
Pedro, have you had the time to do your checks, yet? I would still be interested in your opinion and solution.