upload failed - the request doesn't contain a multipart/form-data or multipart/mixed stream, content type header is null

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upload failed - the request doesn't contain a multipart/form-data or multipart/mixed stream, content type header is null

Graham Perrin
Twice whilst drafting <http://n2.nabble.com/-tp3636586p3647403.html> an attempt to attach a second image resulted in an error:

upload failed - the request doesn't contain a multipart/form-data or multipart/mixed stream, content type header is null
and the first attachment was removed from the draft.

The errors occurred after I clicked the Insert image button and AFAIR the error dialogue (screen shot below) overlaid the upload dialogue.

Screen shot 2009-09-15 at 08.49.28
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Re: upload failed - the request doesn't contain a multipart/form-data or multipart/mixed stream, content type header is null

Graham Perrin
Graham Perrin wrote
Twice whilst drafting <http://n2.nabble.com/-tp3636586p3647403.html> an attempt to attach a second image resulted in an error …

… and the first attachment was removed from the draft.

* post the message without images
* three or more subsequent editions
* add one image per edition.