unsubscribe by eMail code

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unsubscribe by eMail code – Hi, unfortunately, the code for "unsubscribe by eMail" does not seem to work as it should. Here the original NAML code: macro: uns...
Re: unsibscribe by eMail code – The url in both cases are the same: Your forum's url/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=subscribe&node=1 or Your forum's url/template/NamlServl...
Re: unsubscribe by eMail code – how do I find information about the "name space" and the "stack", which could help me figure out a path to find and access des...
We don't have an picture with this structure. You can learn more here: http://naml.nabble.com/ and searching on our support forum.
it's a pity that there is no picture or other (more or less complete) structure documentation. I already read ALL of the documentations on the NAM...
Few users are really into naml. But anyway, I'll back to work and improve our documentation.
Great! :-) Please let me know, when I can support. I got to like NAML.