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text/eimml issue

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text/eimml issue

Graham Perrin
Edge case, not a priority

Of five services that are known to archive chandler-users at osafoundation.org,
Nabble is one of two that may offer a garbled representation if (very rarely?) the message is sent to list using Chandler Desktop 1.0.2.

http://n2.nabble.com/iPhone-and-Hub-td2147498.html#a2151446 for an example.

<https://bugzilla.osafoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12601> suggests a header issue and includes references to the four other URLs at which the message is archived.

If relevant, the head of
<http://lists.osafoundation.org/pipermail/chandler-users/2009-January/003670.html> displays:

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If there's an easy fix/workaround for better presentation of such messages, in Nabble, it'll be welcomed but I might describe it as very low priority.

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Re: text/eimml issue

Graham Perrin
As Raw XML visible in Nabble forum views of some posts to SMTP list is resolved, so I treat this as resolved (wontfix) in the Nabble area.