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[resolved] Nabble message composition: if text selection begins at character 1, then selection is not recognised for markup

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[resolved] Nabble message composition: if text selection begins at character 1, then selection is not recognised for markup

Graham Perrin
This post was updated on Feb 02, 2009; 1:20pm.
1. in a message editing window

2. type a word

3. select the word

4. click B or I (for bold or italic)


 • The selected text is not marked up
 • Nabble prompts the user to enter text.


Precede the text to be marked up with any character. A single white space suffices.

A guess

The bug bites only if the selected text includes the first character in the editing window.
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Internet Explorer 7 failures with bold and italic features of the graphical markup toolbar

Graham Perrin
The previously mentioned workaround is

 • effective in Safari 3.2.1 (5525.27.1) and WebKit nightly and and Firefox 3.0.5 on Mac OS X 10.5.6, Intel

 • not effective in Internet Explorer 7 on Windows XP.

A click on the B or I or Link buttons of the toolbar causes Internet Explorer to drop a warning that prompts the user to Temporarily Allow Scripted Windows.

Following the temporarily allowance:

 • selected text in any part of the IE message composition window can not be marked bold using the graphical toolbar

 • selected text in any part of the IE message composition window can not be marked italic using the graphical toolbar.

This warning re-presents following a reload, so I guess that the warning may present for any/every message composition in Internet Explorer 7.

Summary: IE is more severely bugged.
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For me: Google Chrome beta in Windows XP is only very slightly bugged by graphical toolbar

Graham Perrin
This post was updated on Jan 31, 2009; 9:12pm.
Graham Perrin wrote
Summary: IE is more severely bugged.
At a glance: WebKit-based Google Chrome behaves as well as Gecko-based Firefox and WebKit-based Safari.
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Re: For me: Google Chrome beta in Windows XP is only very slightly bugged by graphical toolbar

Hugo <Nabble>
Thanks for reporting this. We have fixed the bug and this will be available in the next release, which should happen in the next 24 hours.

Hugo Teixeira
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Nabble message composition: if text selection begins at character 1, then selection is not recognised for markup

Graham Perrin
Fix confirmed in:

• Chrome on Windows XP
• Internet Explorer 6.0.2800.1106 in CrossOver
• Internet Explorer 7 on Windows XP
• Safari 3.2.1 (5525.27.1) on Mac OS X 10.5.6.
