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posts to a Google group arriving late in Nabble

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posts to a Google group arriving late in Nabble

Graham Perrin
Example: at least eight posts in a topic that began over nine hours ago.

<http://macfuse.975588.n3.nabble.com/> shows none of the eight.

Recalling activity in recent days,
<http://groups.google.com/group/macfuse/msg/bfcd27d59bece8c4> was another post that had a very late arrival in the Nabble interface.

Please, what might cause the delays?

If it helps: currently associated with the same group I see trouble (delay) with posts in the other direction (through Nabble, to Google).
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Re: posts to a Google group arriving late in Nabble

Hugo <Nabble>
Please take a look at the archive now and see if those messages are missing or not. I am not sure why google rejects messages from Nabble, but this may be related to the SMTP server. You may talk to them and see what is wrong and if there is any solution.
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Re: posts to a Google group arriving late in Nabble

Graham Perrin
In the Google-to-Nabble direction: delays, if any, are less noticeable now.

Currently most recent http://groups.google.com/group/macfuse/msg/5b464781c7d7c4cd posted at 02:45 is visible in Nabble to me at 06:05 (and may have been visible earlier).