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In the terms of agreement of use, it says that users grant Nabble the right to use their postings in any form - for the purpose of this, who or what is Nabble?  Does that mean they can be used by an individual or is Nabble a company or something?
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Re: copyright

Will <Nabble>
dream_angel wrote
In the terms of agreement of use, it says that users grant Nabble the right to use their postings in any form - for the purpose of this, who or what is Nabble?  
Legally, Nabble is a California company.

dream_angel wrote
Does that mean they can be used by an individual or is Nabble a company or something?
It just means that your post will be shown on Nabble website. But you are the owner so you have the final say. You can delete it or just delete your account.
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Re: copyright

Rowan Thorpe
It is a shame that the terms of use are so brief and misleading on this subject, because I do like nabble (and was seriously considering embedding it as the "guts" of my otherwise static site), but will certainly *not* unless the terms are clarified/changed (this is the same reason I recently nearly ditched facebook - luckily they backpeddled on their dodgy new TOS in time). I know you say "that it is just so that nabble will show the material in the same context, on the nabble site", but unless the terms explicitly state *that*, I would never take it merely on trust, especially when the terms effectively state the opposite (that nabble can do whatever it wants with my - copyrighted - material...). Sure, if I don't like a certain content use I could delete the account, but this would be after the damage was done...
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Re: copyright

Franklin <Nabble>
I agree with you but I am not a lawyer, so I don't know how best to fix this.  Can you show me another site with a copyright that solves this problem?  Then I could show that to our lawyer so he could fix our copyright notice along those lines.