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What, please, are the effects of '[√] This list accepts only plain-text emails.' in Mailing List Settings?

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What, please, are the effects of '[√] This list accepts only plain-text emails.' in Mailing List Settings?

Graham Perrin
Mailing List Settings
[√] This list accepts only plain-text emails.

Does that setting affect the formatting of Nabble postings to forum, which are sent via SMTP to the list?

Does that setting affect the interpretation of SMTP postings to list, which are archived by Nabble?


Note to self: <http://n2.nabble.com/-td2017261.html>
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Re: What, please, are the effects of '[√] This list accepts only plain-text emails.' in Mailing List Settings?

Hugo <Nabble>
If that checkbox is checked, then users won't be able to post HTML messages to the list (i.e., the "Message is in HTML Format" checkbox won't be available on the post creation screen). So this setting only affects messages sent from Nabble. If an HTML message arrives from the list, Nabble will archive it normally.

Hugo Teixeira