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What does it cost to remove ads?

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What does it cost to remove ads?

5 posts
Hi all!

I've created a test-forum on Nabble and so far I like it.
So far no ads showing since I'm still in trial-period, but I want to know what it will costs, after this period, to remove ads?
Can someone tell me how this works and where I can pay?

I can't seem to find a default page with prices, except the 39$/month for Premium Support (which I dont need).

Thanks in advance.
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Re: What does it cost to remove ads?

3896 posts
Normally, I'd say visit almost any other forum that has ads appearing on it and click the "Remove Ads" link. that would take you to a page that spells out the costs. But at the moment I can't find a single Nabble forum that is displaying ads - not even those of my own for which I haven't paid to have ads removed.

I think Nabble may have a problem currently.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: What does it cost to remove ads?

Hugo <Nabble>
4198 posts
We have removed ads from all Nabble forums and we don't plan to bring them back anytime soon.
Since there is nothing to pay for, we have also disabled the premium account page.
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Re: What does it cost to remove ads?

67 posts
What are your future plans for funding this site now that you've disabled all advertising.