User to be allowed to create sub forums, but no topics?

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User to be allowed to create sub forums, but no topics?

Admin ProSchulreformHH

Is it possible to let users be allowed to create sub forums, but no topics on the same level?

At the time, you can only allow both or none.

Why do I want it? The most people won't go over options and bother to create a sub forum, but my "disciplined" users should be allowed to, because they know what they do. My average users go into the right subforum and clicks on new topic. Thats fine for them, but sometimes they also click "new topics" on the first level, just because they can.

Is there an option, in making an authorizing difference between topics and sub forums?

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Re: User to be allowed to create sub forums, but no topics?

Hugo <Nabble>
I don't understand what you want. If the problem is the "New Topic" link on the parent forum, you can just force users to post new messages in sub-forums. To do this, you should click on "Options  > Users > Who can view & post?" and then select "Everyone can participate, but restricted topics". Only members would be able to create new topics there (sub-forums don't inherit this option). So you just have to make sure you are the only member. Does this work for you?
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Re: User to be allowed to create sub forums, but no topics?

Admin ProSchulreformHH
Okay, I'll try to explain simple:

It is possible to allow a member to create new topics AND sub forums on a certain level.

Is it possible to allow a member NOT to create topics, but ALLOW to create sub forums?

Topics NO / forums YES

or vice versa.

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Re: User to be allowed to create sub forums, but no topics?

Hugo <Nabble>
Admin ProSchulreformHH wrote
Is it possible to allow a member NOT to create topics, but ALLOW to create sub forums?
Admin ProSchulreformHH wrote
or vice versa.
Yes. Your forum can allow topics, but no sub-forums. Take a look at "Options > Users > Who can create sub-forums?".