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Unable to move a topic from one sub-forum to another (I am creator of both, and of their parent)

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Unable to move a topic from one sub-forum to another (I am creator of both, and of their parent)

Graham Perrin
I am trying to move topic

Nabble responds:

> You cannot move this post here because the parent is a private forum and you are not a member.

I created all three:

1) <http://n2.nabble.com/Chandler-Project%3A-selected-lists-f1653096.html>

2) <http://n2.nabble.com/Chandler-users-f1653123.html> (a child of (1))

3) <http://n2.nabble.com/chandler-dev-f1658350.html> (a child of (1)).

Neither (2) nor (3) are private, and I created all three (which is surely greater than membership) so the refusal to move is confusing.

TIA for any advice.

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Re: Unable to move a topic from one sub-forum to another (I am creator of both, and of their parent)

Will <Nabble>
Thanks for reporting this. Sounds like a bug. We'll look into it.
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Re: Unable to move a topic from one sub-forum to another (I am creator of both, and of their parent)

Graham Perrin

If it's relevant:

* the source and the destination are each within a forum that is an archive of a mailing list

* AFAIR both are effectively at the root of a forum (i.e. I'm not moving a post or thread from somewhere within a topic; I'm trying to move a topic in its entirety, to become the thread of another topic).
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Re: Unable to move a topic from one sub-forum to another (I am creator of both, and of their parent)

Hugo <Nabble>
In reply to this post by Graham Perrin
Hi Graham,

We have fixed the problem.
Please let us know if you still have problems.

Hugo Teixeira
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[resolved] successfully moved a topic from one sub-forum to another

Graham Perrin
The originally intended move occurred without error.

(One after effect is mildly curious, I'll create a separate (minor) topic for consideration.)

Thanks for the fix!