Serious problems with my forum...

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Serious problems with my forum...

Dr. Shadow
I'm having some problems with my forum, Koala Treefort.  First of all, I couldn't even access it this whole morning until now.  Also, for some reason, all the formatting (color-changing, font-changing, etc.) is undone.  I also can't access the Options to try to change everything back, and I don't seem to be logged in, and I seem to be unable to do so.

I was having similar problems just over a week ago, and just want to know if they will disappear automatically or if something needs to be done.

Please respond,

Dr. Shadow

EDIT:  Ok, it came back when I restarted my computer.
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Re: Serious problems with my forum...

Hugo <Nabble>
Dr. Shadow wrote
EDIT:  Ok, it came back when I restarted my computer.
Yeah, your forum seems to be ok. Please let us know if you still see problems.