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Search for posts to this forum, by author, fails to find all such posts

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Search for posts to this forum, by author, fails to find all such posts

Graham Perrin
A search for posts by Graham Perrin

* does finds '6 matching posts for author:Graham Perrin in Nabble Support in 4 threads'

* may find 7, after I post this message

* does _not_ find <http://n2.nabble.com/Request%3A-user-opt-out-from-embedding-%28to-use-Nabble-2-or-tried-and-tested-Nabble-1-UI%29-td950371.html

As the latter was authored by Graham Perrin, so it should be found.

A bug?

Thanks for your consideration,
Graham (the author :)
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Re: Search for posts to this forum, by author, fails to find all such posts

Will <Nabble>
It's not a bug. In the backend we use Lucene for search. It may take up to 20 minutes to get your latest post into the search index. So, there is always a slight delay in search result that your current posts.
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Re: Search for posts to this forum, by author, fails to find all such posts

Graham Perrin
Will <Nabble> wrote
It may take up to 20 minutes…
Smells like a bug to me; the post that's not found is authored by Graham Perrin and is over two weeks old ;)
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Re: Search for posts to this forum, by author, fails to find all such posts

In reply to this post by Graham Perrin
Did you happen to change your nickname at some point? Because the author: search field for existing posts is not updated when this happens, so older posts will not be found when searching by your new nickname.
To do an accurate search for a user's posts, you can click on the user name to go to the user's profile and search within the posts there. Or in a forum, click on the People link, then click on the number of posts for that user - this will show you all his posts within this forum:
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Search by user= succeeds where search by author: fails

Graham Perrin
That's more like it :)

Did you happen to change your nickname at some point?
Indeed, I did.

Complicated, if I'm honest, by the requirements to

1) re-register for Nabble 2


2) _not_ re-use a previous identity

— it took me some time to realise that I _could_ re-use a previous _nickname_.

the author: search field for existing posts is not updated when this happens, so older posts will not be found when searching by your new nickname.
Many thanks for the insight and explanations.

Now, I wonder about the various e-mail alerts <http://www.nabble.com/alerts/EmailAlerts.jtp> that I created as a Nabble 1 user, in addition many such threads have since been embedded. But that's a separate subject…
