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Risk of duplication, multiplication, confusion when creating a new forum

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Risk of duplication, multiplication, confusion when creating a new forum

Graham Perrin
<http://n2.nabble.com/-tp2017351p2088868.html> highlights issues and frustrations that may arise when top-level and other forums that exist in Nabble 1 are duplicated in Nabble 2.

Please, can you improve the forum creation routine to minimise the risk of duplication?

Whilst there may be an onus on managers of a Nabble 1 forum to migrate to Nabble 2, it's surely frustrating for new managers (who may be unaware of the Nabble 1 history) to find that efforts are duplicated.

I don't expect a search of Nabble 2 to find messages within Nabble 1, but (with respect):

* from a management perspective I _do_ expect a focused search — for fora (excluding messages) — to be more comprehensive, to span both Nabble domains.

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Re: Risk of duplication, multiplication, confusion when creating a new forum

Graham Perrin
When I created this topic, I wasn't aware that <http://www.nabble.com/> includes a low-link to the Old Nabble1 Catalog.

(I type n2 in my browser address bar so often, relying on auto-completion, I rarely used the explicit link to Nabble. Didn't realise that <http://www.nabble.com/> had superseded <http://n2.nabble.com/> as a home page.)

On one hand: it would be nice for default search results to find matching forums in catalogues both old and new, to increase the likelihood of matches (reduce duplication). On the other hand I guess that it's desirable to focus most attention on the current catalogue.

All things considered I treat this as resolved.