Restricting forum activity to people I approve

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Restricting forum activity to people I approve

Keith Eckstein
Hello everyone

I am using Nabble to provide a forum and general help area for a product that I am distributing.

Although I have no problem with anyone viewing the forum, I wish to restrict any other activity (such as creating new threads or posting on existing threads) to my customers.

Thus, I need to approve Registrations.  I will automatically register my customers - others (potential customers, perhaps) can apply for registration.

I've had a good look but can't seem to find out how to do this - any advice?

All the best

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Re: Restricting forum activity to people I approve

Keith Eckstein
Retard alert!!!!

Have found answer to my own question! -

vokomokum wrote:
I also need some clarification on this. Here are some assumptions / questions?

Registered User
Someone who is a registered user of Nabble? YES

Someone who is a registered user of Nabble? Yes, members must be registered.
Someone who has subscribed to the forum/newspaper, etc? No. Members can subscribe to the forum, but the subscription itself doesn't imply membership.
Someone who has been added as a member by the forum/newspaper, etc. Admin or Owner via Options : Users : Who are Members : Add Users? YES
Does that mean all members have to be added by an Owner or Admin? YES, but if the forum is private, the owner will receive each request by email (with links to approve/reject membership)
How can a registered Nabble user request membership? The forum must be private (only members can post) and someone that is not a member tries to visit or post a message.