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Re: Archiving old messages

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Re: Archiving old messages

Graham Perrin
Will <Nabble> wrote
see if there is any limit?
Coincidentally I was experimenting with gaining back copies from an ezmlm server. In my case the service advertises a limit of 100 messages per request, and responds to each request with a single digest.

I also experimented with setting the reply-to address to the special Nabble address for the forum, but ezmlm delivered the digest to me.

mbox and eml formats

software than turn emails in your email client into a mbox file.
I have the one digest saved by Apple Mail as
ui Digest of_ get.1_100.eml
— is it worth experimenting with that .eml, or shall I first place that message in a mailbox then archive the box?

(Apple Mail.app 3.5 (930.3) archives to .mbox format by default.)


This particular
ui Digest of_ get.1_100.eml
comprises some messages that are already archived by Nabble.

Might duplication occur, or is Nabble sensitive to the
header when importing?

(Speeding through the .eml of the one digest, I see Message-ID but no References headers. I don't know what's normal for digests.)

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Import from mbox to Nabble: de-duplication?

Graham Perrin
Graham Perrin wrote


Might duplication occur, or is Nabble sensitive to the
header when importing?
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Re: Import from mbox to Nabble: de-duplication?

Graham Perrin
… bump :)

I expect to receive a mbox of a list archive — in its entirety (not a date range).

Please, which of the following is true?

1. [ ] Working with the entire archive (not date-restricted), messages in Nabble will be:
— neither (a) overwritten, by their counterparts in the mbox
— nor (b) duplicated by their counterparts

2. [ ] Duplication may occur
— original messages in Nabble will appear alongside their imported counterparts

3. [ ] I should edit the mbox, prior to import, to avoid duplication
— I guess, removing all messages beyond a certain date.†

Obviously, the first answer is preferred but I'd like to know the routine before the import occurs.


† mbox will be for import into forum <http://n2.nabble.com/Chandler-users-f1653123.html>, I assume that messages more recent than 2008-12-15 need not be imported.
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Import from mbox to Nabble: using Message-Ids to avoid duplication

Graham Perrin
Off-forum, Nabble wrote:

> Message-Ids are used to avoid duplicates so this shouldn't be a problem.

I'm moving my part of this topic to the Resolved area.

Thanks to Nabble!