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RFE: post-subscription sorting of the list of subscriptions

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RFE: post-subscription sorting of the list of subscriptions

Graham Perrin
This post was updated on Feb 01, 2009; 9:34am.
1. read something in Nabble

2. opt to subscribe.

Immediately following subscription, in the list of subscriptions, I never find easily the post to which I subscribed.

This is neither simple laziness, nor poor memory. A few moments ago:

a. I was reading about LaTeX 
b. I subscribed to that discussion
c. I browsed then searched the list of subscriptions for LaTeX
d. I found nothing
e. I command-clicked to open <http://n2.nabble.com/Nabble-Support-f1.html> in a new tab
f. I browsed, scrolled through the list of subjects
g. I found the word Math.

A speedier workaround may be to browse back but whilst <http://n2.nabble.com/-tc1690041.html> and <http://n2.nabble.com/-tc2105650.html> are unresolved I have learnt bad behaviour, learnt that browsing back is likely to fail.

At a glance, the list of subscriptions is without order:


Request for enhancement 

post-subscription order of the list should present the most recent subscription at the top.

Assignment: priority 5 (low).

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Re: RFE: post-subscription sorting of the list of subscriptions

Hugo <Nabble>
Thanks for the suggestion. A long list of subscriptions are indeed difficult to manage.
We will work on it.

Hugo Teixeira
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Re: RFE: post-subscription sorting of the list of subscriptions

Graham Perrin
Improvement (alphabetical order) noted with thanks.

Additional suggestions:

1) make the sort case insensitive, so that Z is not followed by a

2) maybe add an option to sort by date of subscription (suits people who visualise things on a timeline)

3) maybe no need to show the ml-node+…@….nabble com strings or envelope icons

4) exceptions for leading expressions such as


Suggestion (4) may be tedious to implement. Not essential :)
