Nabble transfer files to another platform

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Nabble transfer files to another platform

Has anyone been able to successfully transfer files from Nabble to another platform? Please tell me how this is possible? And is it possible to order the service for the money?
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Re: Nabble transfer files to another platform

If you "Download archives" from the options menu, Nabble provides an XML file that contains all your forum.

To install that on another system requires that you write (or get someone to create) a script that will rewrite that file into the appropriate format required by the new host. As I understand it, you'll need to approach your new host for details of what is required. They may be able to provide a suitable script, once you let them see your Nabble archive.
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Re: Nabble transfer files to another platform

Peter <Nabble>
Each service provider chooses to work with a different format. There is no standard and because of that, if you are coming to Nabble or leaving Nabble you may run into the problem of having to "translate" the information from one format to the other.
If the destination service provider isn't able to provide a way to convert our format to theirs, they are, at least, able to provide their format specifications.

Any average developer should be able to convert from one format to the other. That's usually not a hard task. Sometimes a bit time consuming but not hard.
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