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Nabble embedded at plone.org fails to return the user to the required topic following a log in

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Nabble embedded at plone.org fails to return the user to the required topic following a log in

Graham Perrin
 1. whilst not logged in to Nabble

 2. visit <http://n2.nabble.com/LinguaPlone-and-Folders-ids-tp1075240p1075240.html>

 3. intend to subscribe; in the embedded (Nabble) area of the window, click Login

 4. login

= Expected =

Logged-in view of the same topic.

= Bug =

Nabble takes the user:

 * away from the topic

 * to a forum level

 * and the list of topics does not include the required topic.

= Environment =

Using Safari 3.1.2 on Mac OS X 10.5.4.
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Nabble embedded at plone.org fails to return the user to the required topic following a log in (Nabble 2 embedded at plone.org) (Safari, defaulting to accept cookies 'Only from sites that you navigate to')

Graham Perrin
As there was a fix (thanks to Will) for the cookie-related issue at <http://n2.nabble.com/-BUG--Can-not-%27Subscribe-to-this-topic%27-when-viewing-embedded-Nabble-content-using-Safari-WebKit-tp781354p832315.html

so I hope that Nabble developers can either:

a) similarly resolve this issue (assuming that it's cookie-related)


b) address <http://n2.nabble.com/Request%3A-user-opt-out-from-embedding-%28to-use-Nabble-2-or-tried-and-tested-Nabble-1-UI%29-tc950371.html#a950371>, which might at least work around such issues.


Graham Perrin, Project/Media Development Officer
CENTRIM - the Centre for Research in Innovation Management
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Re: Nabble embedded at plone.org fails to return the user to the required topic following a log in (Nabble 2 embedded at plone.org) (Safari, defaulting to accept cookies 'Only from sites that you navigate to')

Will <Nabble>
Thanks for reminding us. We are aware of this inconvenience, and it's on our to-fix list. But it's not a high priority because it's an inconvenience and it's infrequent. We will let you know once we get to it.
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embedded invitation to Login did not lead to login prompt

Graham Perrin
Maybe a different issue, but I'll nest it within old topic
Nabble embedded at plone.org fails to return the user to the required topic following a log in (Nabble 2 embedded at plone.org) (Safari, defaulting to accept cookies 'Only from sites that you navigate to')

(move this issue elsewhere if appropriate)

 1. in the toolbar of Safari 4.0.4, in a new tab, manually type http://plone.org/support/forums
 2. key return
 3. in the embedded area, click Login

I can't recall (sorry) whether the login dialogue appeared with or without embedding, in fact I'm not sure whether there was a prompt to login at all, in any case the end result was finding myself

* in a Nabble domain and not at a login prompt (no longer embedded at plone.org (which doesn't bother me; just for the record)).

Then in a new tab I visited <http://plone.org/support/forums/general> and clicked Login. This time, the login dialogue appeared embedded and the routine completed successfully :)