Nabble Breadcrumb - target = nabbleiframe or _top or _self

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Nabble Breadcrumb - target = nabbleiframe or _top or _self

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First off - Thank You So Much for putting together these applications; they are just what we need for our non-profit!

While putting together our site I noticed that the Nabble forum/news title breadcrumb behaves differently based on which item I embed on the web page. In one case the breadcrumb will keep the user on our website and backward navigate as expected. In the other case the breadcrumb changes website context and shifts to the Nabble site.

I noticed that there are embedding options for the apps that would force a re-direct to our site, but that's not what I'm looking for; I like the behavior of the first example where the breadcrumb keeps website context without re-directing. While looking into this further I noticed that the breadcrumb's anchor tag has a target in it that varied and determined whether or not the breadcrumb would keep website context or shift to Nabble. If the target is "nabbleiframe" then the breadcrumb keeps context; if the target is "_top", then the breadcrumb shifts context to Nabble.

Embedding the news app itself creates the "nabbleiframe" target:
< a target="nabbleiframe" embed="fixTarget[3546231]" href="">vokonews</ a>

Embedding a news item creates the "_top" target:
< a target="_top" embed="fixTarget[3546231]" href="">vokonews</ a>

Actual site is at

Is there a way I can make sure the breadcrumb uses "nabbleiframe" as its target or "_self"?

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Re: Nabble Breadcrumb - target = nabbleiframe or _top or _self

Hugo <Nabble>
If the page is embedded, the breadcrumbs trail shouldn't redirect to Nabble when we click on it. This is actually how it works now (I just tested it in your website). Even if the target is set to "_top", our embedding code dynamically changes this value to "nabbleiframe". So if you get redirected to Nabble because of that, then it is a bug. Is this what happen? If yes, please let us know which browser and version you are using. Also, please check if you have javascript errors in your page, which could prevent our code from running properly.
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Re: Nabble Breadcrumb - target = nabbleiframe or _top or _self

Thanks Hugo,

This page has the embedded code for a single news item, When you click on the breadcrumb vokonews I get sent to instead of staying on the page and seeing the outline/root page of vokonews.

I'm using FF 3.5.2 on Mac OS X 10.5.8
I get the same response in Safari 4.0.2.

Firebug isn't showing any errors on the page.
FF shows a few css warnings with the file but that's it, no js errors.

Also, if you go here: and click on the article "Vokomokum :: Doelstelling / Mission" you'll see two links in the article for language [NL][EN]. I've placed < a > tags on them that reference ids in the article itself. On the [EN] link I placed target="_self" in the < a > tag and it works; when you click on the link it goes down to the < p > tag with the id=en and you stay on the website. However, on the [NL] link I placed target="_top" and when you click on that link it takes you to instead of staying on the same page. It looks to me that the target="_top" is causing the problem.
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Re: Nabble Breadcrumb - target = nabbleiframe or _top or _self

Hugo <Nabble>
To fix this problem, you can go to and click on "Options > Embedding options". Then you change the redirect option to redirect users to that page. Please try that and let us know if this works for you.
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Re: Nabble Breadcrumb - target = nabbleiframe or _top or _self

I'd rather not use that option, it slows down the response because everything has to go through redirection. I'd rather have the breadcrumb target="_self" instead of target="_top". Is that something that you could change?

Or do you offer a js event that indicates when the iframe has finished loading that I can then use to re-attribute any link with target="_top"?
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Re: Nabble Breadcrumb - target = nabbleiframe or _top or _self

Hugo <Nabble>
I just want to let you know that we didn't forget this issue. We are working hard to make Nabble more stable and faster, and also creating new servers to distribute the load. We will work on this problem in a few weeks.
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Re: Nabble Breadcrumb - target = nabbleiframe or _top or _self

Hugo <Nabble>
In reply to this post by vokomokum
We have implemented an option that solves your problem. Please read more:
(You should use the nabble_ignore_targets variable)