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My Nabble 1 e-mail alerts lead to embedded Nabble 2 threads where I'm _not_ subscribed

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My Nabble 1 e-mail alerts lead to embedded Nabble 2 threads where I'm _not_ subscribed

Graham Perrin
Reviewing my Nabble 1 e-mail alerts
when I visit the related threads, now embedded at plone.org, I find that I'm not subscribed.

1) Is that a natural side effect of the separation between Nabble 1 account and Nabble 2 account?

2) Need I re-subscribe to these threads? Or can I be assured that all original (Nabble 1) subscriptions remain effective?

TIA for advice

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Re: My Nabble 1 e-mail alerts lead to embedded Nabble 2 threads where I'm _not_ subscribed

Will <Nabble>
n1 and n2 are independent of each other. All user stuff from n1, such as your email alerts, are still in n1, not in n2. So, yes, you will need to re-create those alerts in n2.