Manually Entering Subscribers

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Manually Entering Subscribers

Hello.  Is there a way on the back end to manually add subscribers and sign them up for e-mail updates from a newspaper or do they have to do it?  We were hoping to have a situation where they could just provide their e-mail address and we would send them e-mail updates without them having access to the actual newspaper.  Thanks for any help.  I love the service!
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Re: Manually Entering Subscribers

Hugo <Nabble>
You can invite users, but they must accept the invitation before receiving the emails. You can't subscribe them directly because spammers could easily abuse this feature. But this may be possible in the future, but you will have to set your own SMTP server to send the emails. You won't be able to use Nabble SMTP servers. In any case, we won't be able to work on this at this point (maybe in some months).