Is there a way to close a topic?

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Is there a way to close a topic?


I am a owner of my own forum and I there a way to close a topic to stop people posting?

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Re: Is there a way to close a topic?

Franklin <Nabble>
You can create a subforum where users don't have permission to post and move the thread there.  If the main forum's appearance/format is "Topics" then the topic in the subforum will still show up.

This answer isn't the most convenient solution and we could implement this feature directly if users ask for it.  I know this is common in the forum world, but I have never understood the need for it.  Could you please explain why this feature is needed?
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Re: Is there a way to close a topic?

If you are talking about to close a topic. Well on some sites there are topics that are closed for reasons as it could be a notice telling people infomation and they don't want replys. Like this game fourm a battlefield Heroes they have closed topics but you can still view them.

They are good ways to stop people posting.