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How to search for an author/user in new Nabble?

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How to search for an author/user in new Nabble?

Graham Perrin
In old Nabble,
<http://old.nabble.com/forum/Search.jtp?query=author%3A%22Rufus+Pollock%22> finds Rufus Pollock.

In new Nabble, the advanced search seems more limiting.

I tried searching for
author:"Rufus Pollock"
so <http://www.google.com/cse?cx=004102050748224625663%3Aifp1wpj0sha&ie=UTF-8&q=author%3A%22Rufus+Pollock%22&sa=Search> but that's dropped, unsupported.

I tried searching for
so <http://www.google.com/cse?cx=004102050748224625663%3Aifp1wpj0sha&ie=UTF-8&q=author%3APollock&sa=Search> but again it's dropped, unsupported.

I tried <http://n2.nabble.com/forum/Search.jtp?query=author%3A%22Rufus+Pollock%22
and <http://n3.nabble.com/forum/Search.jtp?query=author%3A%22Rufus+Pollock%22
but they fail with error 500.
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Re: How to search for an author/user in new Nabble?

Hugo <Nabble>
You shouldn't add the "author:" prefix to the search query because this is not what google finds in the Nabble website. You should search for "by Rufus Pollock" or simply "Rufus Pollock".