How can I manage the mailing lists I've set up for archiving?

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How can I manage the mailing lists I've set up for archiving?

I have set up several mailing lists for archiving on Nabble (nginx, MojoMojo, FormFu etc.). Is there a way to manage them? I have logged in but don't see anything list "My mailing lists".

I would like to update the ngingx mailing list. Its e-mail address has changed from to, and I think that is what causes me to receive lots of messages with the subject "Ignored mailing list message".
If God is good, why do 26000 children die each day?
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Re: How can I manage the mailing lists I've set up for archiving?

Hugo <Nabble>
You can click on your user name (upper right corner of the screen) and then click on "My Posts in All Places". There you can find all apps where you have participated in, including the apps you own.

You should find the mailing list archive you want to change and click on "Options > Mailing list settings". In that screen you can change the mailing list configuration and also resubscribe the Nabble archive if needed.

Please let me know if you still need help.
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Re: How can I manage the mailing lists I've set up for archiving?

Very useful; thank you!
If God is good, why do 26000 children die each day?