"From" / "reply to" information missing in emails forwarded to nabble

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"From" / "reply to" information missing in emails forwarded to nabble

Paul Johnson
I'm trying to organize a work team.

I get requests for user support and I want to forward them to a Nabble group so that my teammates can help answer the requests.  I set up an email account here at my university that receives the messages and forwards them to a nabble forum.  I set up my forum as a Nabble email list, thinking that some team members might like to subscribe to the nabble list, but some might read the forum.

Here's the problem.  All of the posts in the Nabble group show up with my "from" address, not with the user who requested the message.  So it appears I'm the only one asking questions, and that's not what I want.  And if I open one of these posts, then it does have the original emailer's name in the context of the message but we cannot answer them--the email is obscured.

Got any ideas?
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Re: "From" / "reply to" information missing in emails forwarded to nabble

Hugo <Nabble>
I have an idea that would work for you, but I have to discuss this internally first. My idea is that private forums shouldn't obfuscate emails inside messages. So all you would have to do is make your forum accessible only to members ("Options > Users > Who can view & post?" page), but this won't work for now, as I said. Would a members-only forum be a problem for you?
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Re: "From" / "reply to" information missing in emails forwarded to nabble

Paul Johnson
Members only is the way I have it set now. It will help if those members can see the reply-to addresses in order to answer the requests for help.

That would not be perfect, however, because all of the forwarded mail still shows up as written by me.

In the system where the email is received, I wish I had a "bounce" program to send the messages to my nabble forum in exactly the same format, that way they would show up in the forum "from" the original authors. If I allow anybody to post, but restrict reading to members, it could be good.

Unfortunately, the mail exists on an MS Exchange server, and I'm told they got no bounce.  Too bad.

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Re: "From" / "reply to" information missing in emails forwarded to nabble

Hugo <Nabble>
You should be able to see emails inside messages from now on (we just released this feature). This is only available to private forums (i.e., only members can view) mainly because email obfuscation is to prevent bots from collecting emails on the Nabble website. Since private forums are not accessible to bots, it is ok to display such emails in messages.

Please take a look and let me know if you have questions, comments or concerns.