Forum settings issue

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Forum settings issue

The noob is back with a new question:

Is it possible to change the appearance of the forum this way: the name of the sub-forum and the description is visible but not the topics? The topics become visible only if I click on the sub-forum title? Is it possible?Because the topics are gathering and the forum becomes too long.

Again, I hope you can understand what I'm asking for.

Thank you in advance.

-Anime Age-
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Re: Forum settings issue

Hugo <Nabble>
Yes. Please click on "Options > Editor > Change type" and select "Category".
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Re: Forum settings issue

Thank you very much for the fast reply.

Now I have a new question:
I see only one way to press "Reply" [on the same row with the name, date, threaded and more button]. Is there another way to press reply?

And another thing :D [sorry to bother you]:
I'm the owner of the site, so I'm the admin on the forum; if someone posts a link to a site with adult content -for example-, is there a way to edit their post and not delete it permanently?

Thank you again ^_^
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Re: Forum settings issue

Hugo <Nabble>
Anime-Age wrote
I see only one way to press "Reply" [on the same row with the name, date, threaded and more button]. Is there another way to press reply?
No. Why do you think you need another link? Is that one difficult to find?
Anime-Age wrote
I'm the owner of the site, so I'm the admin on the forum; if someone posts a link to a site with adult content -for example-, is there a way to edit their post and not delete it permanently?
You can't edit or delete a post of another user. What you can do is remove the post from the forum (the user will still see the post in his/her profile). If you want to remove a lot of posts from the same user, please use the ban option (found in the user profile page).