Check out the Sub-Forum

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Check out the Sub-Forum

See the sub-forum I just created with question in the description.
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Re: Check out the Sub-Forum

Will <Nabble>
Thanks for raising the issue. We actually thought about this and here is the reasoning.

To us, a malicious user can do more harm by making a spam post than making a sub-forum. A spam post will show up in the forum more prominent than a sub-forum. So, if a bad user is trying to make trouble, making a post is better than making a sub-forum.

Dealing with a bad sub-forum is no different from dealing with a bad post. We just remove it. If the user keeps doing it, we ban him.

But good users may use the sub-forum feature to help grow a forum. For example, if you are a regular user of this support forum, you may notice some pattern of usage and you may want to create sub-forums to make things more organized. We wouldn't mind you taking the initiative to try things, although we may disagree. But the difference is that you can simply start doing it without having to ask for permission from us. We can take a look at what you did and we can either use your design or we can just ignore it, no harms done.

Does this make sense?

If yes, I will move your topic 1-level up to the main forum, and remove the sub-forum you created.