Can you make this a bit more difficult?

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Can you make this a bit more difficult?

For heavens sake!  I have added Nabble Forum to my webpage... sure wish it woulod either let me register to use it or give me the dad-gum password!  It tells me I am not registered, but it tells me I am already registered when I try to register, then tells me to register, but won't accept my register!!!!!  What gives?  I can do all the editing things, I can post topics, it seems like I can do everything.... all I want to do is lose the generic profile pic, and give myself a new one.  What I don't get is that Nabble is offered by Weebly in "drag down," and it apparently already registered me, at least as the editor.... why didn't it automatically ask me for a pic?  Why won't it let me change the pic?  And why do I have to go through all of this if I am the editor?!!!

Could you possibly make this more upsetting for me?
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Re: Can you make this a bit more difficult?

Hugo <Nabble>
You are an anonymous user to Nabble. Anonymous users can do a lot of things, but not everything. Since you didn't register, Nabble identifies you by reading a cookie in your browser. This is not good because Nabble can't identify you if you use another browser or computer. So you must register and log in -- this will make it easier for Nabble to identify you by email.

Remember that Nabble doesn't have your email and can't notify you about things that happen to your forum.