Can't upload jpg image

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Can't upload jpg image

Marie Sanderson
I am finding it impossible to upload a jpeg image.  All that displays in the message box ( after browsing and opening the image ) is text.  I have re-sized but it doesn't seem to make any difference.
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Re: Can't upload jpg image

Hi Marie,
Marie Sanderson wrote
I am finding it impossible to upload a jpeg image.  All that displays in the message box ( after browsing and opening the image ) is text.
That sounds entirely normal. I have a FAQ post on one of my forums that explains more at:
Let me know if my post does not solve your problem. I am always keen to improve it so that it better helps my users.
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Re: Can't upload jpg image

Marie Sanderson
I would like to post printable coloring pages on my blog.  Is it possible to post them as large, centered images without the  identifying text at the top of the page?  The text effectively reduces the size of my images, which have been originally drawn to be 8.5X11" but presently print out as more like 6X9".
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Re: Can't upload jpg image

Marie Sanderson wrote
I would like to post printable coloring pages on my blog.  Is it possible to post them as large, centered images without the  identifying text at the top of the page?
If by "identifying text" you mean the normal header or body of your post that is part of the forum itself then, no, that is needed by the forum.
The text effectively reduces the size of my images, which have been originally drawn to be 8.5X11" but presently print out as more like 6X9".
I don't think this is a forum issue but is likely to be more a misunderstanding of how image files are "built" and the impact this has on both display and print. What file type you are uploading and what size are you setting for display on the forum as you upload?
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Re: Can't upload jpg image

Marie Sanderson
I have tried both a jpeg and pdf and set it centered, at the largest image.  I don't want the header of the post to be any smaller, I don't think.  It sounds like offering coloring pages may only be possible on a website, not on a blog?  
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Re: Can't upload jpg image

A .jpg file contains not just a set of dots (aka pixels) which comprise the image, but a range of other data, including the numbers of dots per inch at which it should be printed. Obviously, the fewer the dpi the grainier the image when printed.  As their name implies JPG (Joint Photographic experts Group) files are designed for images where virtually every pixel is a different shade from its neighbour and are designed to lose some data from images to keep file sizes as small as possible. However, I don't think this will matter in your application.

For at least the last 20 years printers have been capable of printing at over 300dpi, but even HD TV screens are less than 2000px wide, so images of that size would print in less than 6" at their native size, and begin begin to appear blurry when any one pixel is "stretched" when printed so the image can fill 11" paper.

So you need to use the right file type for the purpose. For display on a screen use JPG, for printing use PDF.

(If you are not satisfied with the results investigate the GIF and PNG file formats as these are specifically designed for raster images that contain large areas of identically coloured pixels and will lose less of the original image detail when saved. Also investigate SVG files which are specifically designed for scaling to different sizes.)

In my example below the original 3504px x 2500px image was over 1Mb as a .jpg file so too large to upload to Nabble, (I should have mentioned that earlier as a possible issue for you) so I resized it to 640px width before uploading.

The PDF file, created from the original 3504x2500px raster file is under 400Kb so well within the limit of 5Mb for a file upload at Nabble.

In creating the message I first uploaded my smaller JPG file. The code that appeared in my message looked like this:
<nabble_img src="myimage.jpg" border="0" class="center" alt="My Description"/>
I then used the: More > Upload File option. The code produced looked like this:
<nabble_a href="myimage.pdf">myimage.pdf</nabble_a>
and then edited the text between the two <tags> so it looked like this:
<nabble_a href="myimage.pdf">Download the Image as a PDF</nabble_a>
and, finally, posted the message.

Hope this does what you need.


Girl In Roses

Download the Image as a PDF

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Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.