Can an administrator change the "subject" field of *any* message?

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Can an administrator change the "subject" field of *any* message?

Shimon Schocken
I am administrating a Q&A forum about a textbook that I wrote using Nabble, and having a very good experience with the tool. The forum is smooth, functional, and pleasure to handle.

In some cases, though, a user will make a good post (i.e. ask a question that should interest other people), and yet the text that the user used to describe his/her post's subejct is not well-worded.

My question: can I, with the administrator rights vested in me by Nabble, edit the subjects (and, while we are at it, the text itself) of posts that I did not write myself?

If the answer is NO, is there some effective way to do what I wish?

Thx -- Shimon

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Re: Can an administrator change the "subject" field of *any* message?

No, you can't edit the subjects or even other user's posts, only your own. You may delete the posts, though, or send the poster an email telling them to change the subject of their post.
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