Can Nabble block pdf caching by Google spiders?

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Can Nabble block pdf caching by Google spiders?

John Yeoman
I need to put valuable pdfs in a Nabble forum, on a Members Only page, and be sure that the pdfs cannot be copied by Google spiders and cached on the web. Will the Google lock-out facility in Nabble forums prevent this?

I've had bad experiences. putting proprietary pdfs up on Yola pages that were 'Password protected'. Despite this protection, Google spiders filched the pdfs from the Yola File Manager root index and displayed them on the web, cached so that anyone could open and read them, even if I deleted them from the Yola site. Yola says it cannot lock its root index or file archives away from Google.

Does Nabble provide a solution? Can I hide those pdfs in a Nabble forum?