Can I re~add my Cbox?

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Can I re~add my Cbox?

I truly appreciate the changes made to the forums but, when I edited the front page for new announcements and my Cbox, none of it took and it cleared everything else there but my scroll box? Any help will be greatly appreciated *^_^*

All the Best, Shad @)~>~
P3n on fri3nds & f3r~git da rul3s
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Re: Can I re~add my Cbox?

Will <Nabble>
I tried edit your forum description area, by removing everything before the chatbox section, and the chatbox shows up ok. So, it must be some html code that's not working.

But before we try to fix the html code, I do have a few suggestions. I hope you find them useful.

You have a great forum. But if I am a stranger, wondering into your forum for a first time, I will feel lost, because your forum description area is long and overwhelming. I wouldn't even know that it is a forum and you have posts, because they are all pushed off the view by your forum description.

You don't have to put everything into your forum description. Here are a few tricks to consider:

1. You put a featured poem in the forum description. It's long and the scroll box is just klunky. Instead, you can simply put  a link "Featured poem" in your description area and link to the post that has the poem in it.

2. You have a long description of what your forum does. Alternatively, you can create a post with a long detailed description about what the forum is and what are the rules, then add a "About" link to your forum description area.

3. Instead of show the entire chatbox UI in your forum description area, you can simply have "Chat" link, which link to

So, I imagine your forum can have a front page with a very simple 1-liner kind of description, followed by 3 useful links. This is probably better than trying to figure out what went wrong with a ton of html code. What do you think?
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Re: Can I re~add my Cbox?

Yes, yes and yes! I'm so terrible at the whole code thing LOL and I did remove the Cbox code and tried another but, Arug! That one was awful. I'm an Editor at Selling Lyrics and do very little code. They are going to get chat in the future and my original plans were to combine this Nabble forum with Selling Lyrics so all the writers could converse and collaborate at their convenience while gaining traffic to both sites. I'll just wait for that, in the meantime though, I will go back and remove all and start over with your suggestions. I really appreciate your time my friend I could use all the help I can get *^_^*

All the Best, Shad @)~>~
P3n on fri3nds & f3r~git da rul3s
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Re: Can I re~add my Cbox?

Will <Nabble>
If you ever get stuck in html, just make a post here and ask for help. We will be glad to help you out.