As administrator, how do I know if someone has registered on my embedded forum?

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As administrator, how do I know if someone has registered on my embedded forum?

Phil Best-2
I have a forum embedded onto my website. I am now wondering how I see if someone has registered for my forum?

I am also confused as to who are 'members' and who are subscribers'.

Once someone has registered, do I add them as a 'member' or subscriber'?

Any help on this would be much appreciated. Thanks
Phil Best
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Re: As administrator, how do I know if someone has registered on my embedded forum?

Hugo <Nabble>
Subscriber is a user that receives new posts by email (replies to those emails will be archived on the forum). A Member is a user that is in the list of members of your forum. The concept of membership depends on what you have defined in the "Options > Users > Who can view & post?" page. If the "members" concept is not used (e.g., you select that everyone can view and post in your forum), then the list of members is almost useless. So I think you should only worry about membership if your forum has something special defined for members.
Phil Best-2 wrote
Once someone has registered, do I add them as a 'member' or subscriber'?
You should add the user as a member. You cannot directly add someone as a subscriber, but you can invite users. People should decide if they want to be a subscriber or not. Some users like this, but others don't. This is why you should invite them, not force.

Please let me know if you have more questions.