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Angle bracket-enclosed <irc://.../#room> URLs do not appear as hyper-links

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Angle bracket-enclosed <irc://.../#room> URLs do not appear as hyper-links

Graham Perrin
Visit <http://n2.nabble.com/Chandler-community-bug-fests-on-IRC-td1676806.html> for an example.

Now, testing:

(That list echoed from <http://groups.diigo.com/Diigo_HQ/forum/topic/some-types-of-url-prefix-not-hyper-linked-when-topics-messages-are-posted-9206>.)
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Some types of HTML compositions that are good in Nabble may be poorly represented elsewhere.

Graham Perrin
An obvious workaround: check the box for  
[√] Message in HTML Format

However, depending on the nature of an underlying list, and depending on the author's HTML, representations of the (Nabble) original may appear strange.

An example:

— looks good

— all lack the clarify of the HTML Nabble original.

I guess that there is no universally pleasing solution to this. Just sharing my observation.