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All posts via Nabble forum 1653123 failing for over three days

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All posts via Nabble forum 1653123 failing for over three days

Graham Perrin
This post was updated on Sep 13, 2009; 4:48pm.
Ten posts made via Nabble — the earliest 3 days, 7 hours and 31 minutes ago — are inexplicably pending.

Might this bug be blocked by nearby issue
People at forum f3138168 lists me twice?

f1653123 is in recent months a grand-child of f3138168.

<http://lists.osafoundation.org/pipermail/chandler-users/2009-September/thread.html> confirms that posts via other means are successful.

Urgent attention will be appreciated. Thanks.
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screen shot of the posts that are pending

Graham Perrin
Currently ten posts pending over the three days.

In the shot above I have blurred, just a little, the location of pending posts that were destined for a different list.

This topic focused on problems that are evident in the Chandler users forum f1653123, currently a grand-child of f3138168.
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screen shot of the Nabble instructions for subscription to the list

Graham Perrin
In reply to this post by Graham Perrin
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screen shot of the mailman options for the address @n2.nabble.com for chandler-users f1653123

Graham Perrin
In reply to this post by Graham Perrin
The address tallies (verified by copy, find, paste routine) and options are good (AFAIK unchanged since the time of the subscription, some months ago).

Screen shot 2009-09-13 at 15.44.27

Postscript: third attempt to upload the image; second and third attempts resulted in white space where the image should appear.
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alternative location of screen shot of the mailman options for the address @n2.nabble.com for chandler-users f1653123

Graham Perrin
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Re: All posts via Nabble forum 1653123 failing for over three days

Graham Perrin
In reply to this post by Graham Perrin
Considering <https://bugzilla.osafoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12878>

If there was (or is) a temporary issue with the list server, then how soon after that issue resolves will Nabble service re-try to deliver messages that are pending?
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Re: All posts via Nabble forum 1653123 failing for over three days

Graham Perrin
In reply to this post by Graham Perrin
Graham Perrin wrote
Might this bug be blocked by nearby issue
People at forum f3138168 lists me twice?
Noting Hugo's advice that the two topics are unrelated.
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Re: All posts via Nabble forum 1653123 failing for over three days

Hugo <Nabble>
In reply to this post by Graham Perrin
Please post again those messages and check if they get through (you may post just one of them again and wait to confirm the success before posting all others). Note that Nabble doesn't re-send pending messages. Users must post them again (after realizing that something went wrong). If your next attempt still creates a pending post (i.e., still pending after a few hours), you should try sending the post as a normal email to the mailing list (remove Nabble as a variable).
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Re: All posts via Nabble forum 1653123 failing for over three days

Graham Perrin
A) First re-post of a pending message, via Nabble:

B) Second re-post of the same message, via Gmane:

1. <http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.org.osaf.chandler.user/1061>
2. showing whole messages
3. click Reply
4. wonder why the quoted text is less than the whole (a norm in Gmane, maybe)
5. copying the address from <http://n2.nabble.com/user/EditProfile.jtp
6. correct a long line to allow posting
7. post
8. Gmane confirms,

You've now posted to gmane.org.osaf.chandler.user. If this is the first time you've posted to this group, expect to get a confirmation email.
Return to the group.
C) Third re-post of the same message, via SMTP server smtp.sussex.ac.uk and using the same address @bton.ac.uk
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OT: Gmane interpretation of lines beginning '--' as signature lines

Graham Perrin
Graham Perrin wrote
B) Second re-post of the same message, via Gmane:

1. <http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.org.osaf.chandler.user/1061>
2. showing whole messages
3. click Reply
4. wonder why the quoted text is less than the whole (a norm in Gmane, maybe)
With a different starting point <http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.org.osaf.chandler.user/1077> when I click Reply the quoted text is whole.

Reviewing <http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.org.osaf.chandler.user/1077> it seems that my line beginning
and all subsequent lines are misinterpreted by Gmane as a signature. Fair enough.
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New post via Nabble forum 1653123 pending; alternative post via SMTP delivered; noting that threading is wrong

Graham Perrin
In reply to this post by Graham Perrin
<http://lists.osafoundation.org/pipermail/chandler-users/2009-September/thread.html#4553> leads to

A) Absence of a reference to Nabble tells me that this is not the post made via Nabble.

B) Presence of a quoted line that begins with '--'
> -- in other words, the iCal view of the Hub becomes read-only.
suggests that this is not the post made via Gmane.

C) Conclusion: post via SMTP without Nabble (but using my SMTP address that I have registered with Nabble) is successful.

pipermail view of threads

Glancing at
<http://lists.osafoundation.org/pipermail/chandler-users/2009-September/thread.html#4553> and
<http://lists.osafoundation.org/pipermail/chandler-users/2009-August/thread.html#4525> threading is not as it should be.

My August post via Nabble
'Compatibility with Mac OS X 10.6, Snow Leopard' was not a response to
'Are You Experiencing Problems? '.

My September post via SMTP
'iCal 4.0 (1362) Mac OS X 10.6.1 interop issues with Chandler Hub' was not a response to
'Unable to complete Hub account sign-up process'.

My true response via Nabble to 'Unable to complete Hub account sign-up process' is at <http://n2.nabble.com/Unable-to-complete-Hub-account-sign-up-process-tp3636509p3643970.html> and is pending.
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recent post to list is now shown in Nabble; recent post via Nabble is still pending

Graham Perrin
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Comparable post via Gmane not delivered?

Graham Perrin
In reply to this post by Graham Perrin
Not sure whether this is off-topic, but here goes… 

Graham Perrin wrote
B) Second re-post of the same message, via Gmane

… address @bton.ac.uk
The sequence of screen shots below shows:

* my selection (purple) of available quoted text in Gmane (I deleted this selection during composition) and the point (green) at which quoted text ended

* a line (red) that was too long to post, in response to the Gmane requirement I probably wrapped manually before the word version

* an NNTP view of apparently only one of three copies, this is probably the copy that I sent direct to list.

<http://www.diigo.com/074al> suggests that a cron job attends to posts via Gmane every five minutes.

Screen shot 2009-09-15 at 06.05.40

Screen shot 2009-09-15 at 06.07.44

Screen shot 2009-09-15 at 08.30.35
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Re: All posts via Nabble forum 1653123 failing for over three days

Hugo <Nabble>
In reply to this post by Graham Perrin
Hi Graham, please try to post your message again. We have switched back to good old linux and I hope these problems are gone. Please let me know.
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18 posts recreated and delivered successfully; 18 pending posts deleted

Graham Perrin
Hugo <Nabble> wrote
Hi Graham, please try to post your message again.
Eighteen messages recreated and re-posted, hopefully in an order that will make sense when readers receive them en masse. At least one of the recreations included a cross-reference to a post that was to be deleted, this was all a bit mind-bending.

Eighteen posts delivered to the list.

Eighteen pending posts deleted.

Graham Perrin wrote
pipermail view of threads

… not as it should be.
There remains something horribly wrong with <http://lists.osafoundation.org/pipermail/chandler-users/2009-September/thread.html> but I should tackle that separately from this topic…

Hugo <Nabble> wrote
We have switched back to good old linux and I hope these problems are gone. Please let me know.
Oh, let's hope so!

Obviously, I dread the idea of of anything like this recurring, but I won't moan … if you've been frustrated by an OS, I guess that you have enough to moan about already.

On the list administration side, I'd like to resolve as INVALID
Bug 12878: posts to the chandler-users list not getting through

— agreed, Hugo? Or should there be any follow-up action?
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Re: 18 posts recreated and delivered successfully; 18 pending posts deleted

Hugo <Nabble>
Graham Perrin wrote
On the list administration side, I'd like to resolve as INVALID
Bug 12878: posts to the chandler-users list not getting through

— agreed, Hugo? Or should there be any follow-up action?
If you can post to the list via Nabble (that's true, right?), then there is nothing else to worry about.