Adding fields to profile to be completed on joining private forum and approval process

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Adding fields to profile to be completed on joining private forum and approval process


I'm about to set up a Nabble forum for our sailing club. I want to set it up so that only paid up members of the sailing club can post in the forum.

Three related issues:

To make it easy for the person approving new members (and removing members who haven't renewed their annual membership), I want to require members applying to join the forum to enter their (sailing club) membership number during the registration/approval process. And for that number to be visible to the Admin reviewing their request.

For that number (four digits e.g. 2312) to be shown in their profile.

Ideally, I'd also like their profiles to show real names, not user names. So profile would be:
John Smith

(Ideally the same info would be in the 'users and groups' list, but that's less important.)

I presume Administrators approve new membership requests. Is that right? Do all Admins receive an email letting them know a request is pending?

Hope that makes sense and look forward to your help!
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Re: Adding fields to profile to be completed on joining private forum and approval process

As the answer to this post would contain a number of cross-references to your other recent posts my response to this post is included at:
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.