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A topic pinned at a sub-forum reappears, unexpectedly, at the level above (underlying issue: separation between topic and its parent)

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A topic pinned at a sub-forum reappears, unexpectedly, at the level above (underlying issue: separation between topic and its parent)

Graham Perrin
This post was updated on Aug 14, 2009; 7:45am.
At <http://n2.nabble.com/sandpit-f2843619.html> (a sub-category of Nabble support) I quietly pinned a topic.

I do see the topic at that level (I can't move the pin to the top, but that's a separate issue).


The topic reappears at a different level, the one above:

Is that second appearance, at a different level, by design?
A feature of the view that you have chosen for the Nabble Support forum?

It feels just slightly buggy. Buggy only because I was surprised to see a supposedly quiet/nested item popping its head way up out of its nest. In other words: when I pin something at level B, I don't expect the pin to stray into other levels.

On one hand: it may be time for me to move that sandpit elsewhere.

On the other hand: it's useful to share the learning experience, the unexpected surprises, with other users of Nabble :-)
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Re: A topic pinned at a sub-forum reappears, unexpectedly, at the level above

Graham Perrin
Ignore this topic!

I forgot that my sandpit sub-forum is currently a sibling of Assigned and Resolved.

I'm familiar with topics in the latter appearing at the top level,
I was surprised when my first (and only) topic at the sandpit level appeared in the same way.
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Separation between a topic and its parent

Graham Perrin
An afterthought, reflecting on layout/design: my confusion was because <http://n2.nabble.com/Nabble-Support-f1.html> presents the parent of the topic at a distance (the farthest extent) from the topic.

On a wide screen: the distance, the separation, is great.

Personally, I'd prefer to see the heading Sub-Forum 

* at least, adjacent to the heading Topics
* ideally, to the left of the heading Topics.

Maybe an option for a distant future version of Nabble.